Hello Internet friends! I've decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging. I follow several blogs (mostly in stalker mode) and I've always wanted to carve out my own little piece of Internet real estate to document the ramblings of life with two little ladies under two years old.
This is a new world for me...please forgive the blogging faux paus as I figure it all out.
For those of you who don't know me in real life, here's the skinny: I'm a 20 something mother of Sydney (15 mo) and Camryn (10 wks) and wife to a pretty handsome fella. I work full-time (booooo) as a marketing manager in the High-tech software industry. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the career path that I've chosen and the work that I do, but leaving my precious girls behind every day is just heart breaking.
Reality tv is my vice. you name it, I watch it. There is something about them that allows me to escape the conference calls, endless commute, dirty diapers and bottle washing.
I've just started dabbling in photography *with all my free time*. I'd really like to put more effort into really learning the art, and capturing all the great memories as I watch my children grow. If anyone has tips, tricks, recommendations etc...send 'em on my way.
There is a whole bunch more about me and my family that I'll share along the way. I hope you'll stick around to read more about our crazy adventures.
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